Formation Tech Champions Future Superstars at the Schools Triathlon

Formation Tech Champions Future Superstars at the Schools Triathlon

Celebrating community, creativity, and some serious cycling

At Formation Tech, we’re not just all about ones and zeroes. We know how to have fun too! So, we took a breather from our tech escapades to cheer on some super-energetic mini athletes at this year’s Schools Triathlon.

Not only did we sponsor this year’s event, but also got our hands (and knees!) a little dirty with members of the sales team volunteering their own time for an amazing cause.

A Day in the Life of a Triathlon Volunteer

Our very own Head of Sales, James Stagg, switched from selling cutting-edge tech solutions to checking in hundreds of bikes and cheering on mini athletes at the Sevenoaks School event.

Running on enthusiasm and copious amounts of coffee, James kicked off his day at the crack of dawn. He became part of the bicycle transition team, making sure the bikes were safe and sound while their tiny owners were elsewhere. And when he wasn’t safeguarding bicycles, he was offering moral support to the kids and keeping some over-zealous parents at bay.

Switching scene to Royal Russell, our Cyber Security ace, Matthew Walkington, turned car park marshal for a day. In typical British spring fashion (yes, it poured down), Matt held the fort from 8am to 4pm.

Guiding over 1000 cars to their slots Matt welcomed each competitor and parent with an undying cheerfulness…despite the weather.

Meanwhile, Samraj Bal, a founding member of the Formation Sales Academy, had his adventure at the Bradfield College event. Eager beaver Sam, not realising he was only needed for the afternoon session, turned up bright and early at 7:45am – a whole 5 hours before his shift! Ever the team player, Sam pitched in everywhere – handling registrations, facilitating bike transitions, herding parents, and even taking on traffic control. It was hectic, exhausting, but most of all, a ton of fun!

From the sound of it, Sam’s ready to swap his sales hat for a high-vis vest again next year. Watch this space!

Small Heroes, Big Impact

With 7500 children participating across 8 events and an incredible £860,000 raised so far, the triathlon, brainchild of our chairman Jim Sewell, has proved to be more than just a sports event. It’s an inspiration factory, churning out lessons of teamwork, resilience, and the power of giving back. Just like Jim said, “The children taking part really understand that they can make a difference, and the combination of sport and charity in a children’s event has been incredibly powerful.”

Cheering on from the Sidelines

All in all, our foray into the world of triathlons was filled with fun, community spirit, and above all, the joy of supporting a great cause. Our financial support, together with the invaluable help from parents, schools, and of course, the brilliant children, has brought us closer to the £1M fundraising target.

So, whether it’s enabling hybrid working or supporting future superstars, Formation Tech is all in. As we continue to make our mark in the world of technology, we’re equally excited about making a difference in our community.

Here’s to more pedalling, more fun, and more community spirit!

Formation Tech Champions Future Superstars at the Schools Triathlon

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